White Lotus Season 2

At a Glance


  Location(s): Sicily 


  Length: 4 to 7 days


  Best Time: November through March


  Extra Tips: Rental car is suggested. 



Mike White’s season two of The White Lotus hit the ground running, making viewers squirm in their seats as they watch the drama unfold. The second season follows up the first (check out the Sparked Travel season one travel guide) with another star studded cast, more dysfunction, and of course another breathtaking getaway. Season two’s cinematography is astounding and will have you browsing flights straight to Sicily. It’s no wonder why a group of high class socialites would flock to this Mediterranean island with its rich history, gorgeous architecture, crystal waters, and shining sun. Now we may not have the same budget as the characters of White Lotus but this certainly doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy Sicily. It’s probably for the best as it seems their vacations always end in tragedy! So, follow along as we map out our own White Lotus Sicilian escape. 



Most of the season’s scenes were filmed in the coastal town Taormina which is easily accessible from the Catania Airport (just an hour drive). Just like in season one, many scenes are filmed at a real resort but unless you have a budget like the White Lotus characters I would suggest finding some other accommodations. In this season the hotel scenes are filmed at the San Domenico Palace and it’s as luxurious as the show depicts. Some of the cheaper rooms are still a couple thousand Euros a night while the rooms seen in the show are closer to ten thousand a night.


Travelers will find plenty to keep them entertained while adventuring Taormina. If you like to take on the day with an early morning run like Ethan, be sure to jog along the Corso Umberto which is featured in some of his running scenes. If the early mornings aren’t your style, travelers can still walk this popular road. During the day it is filled with many tourists hanging out and shopping at the many stores that align the road. Be sure to rest your legs on the Lido Pizzichella Beach afterwards. 


As you relax, you may notice the nearby island that kisses the beach with an outreached pathway. That is Isola Bella and it finds itself the centerpiece of two critical White Lotus scenes. At first, the island is the subject of Quentin’s eerie story where he describes its history to Tanya. The second time is at the very end of the season when Ethan and Daphne go to do some exploring in their final hours of the vacation. 


If you’re in for a little bit of history like the Di Grasso family, plan a morning to the Teatro Antico di Taormina. The family visited this ancient Greek amphitheater in the earlier episode of the season. This theater is a true spectacle and one of the favorite sites of Taormina with its stunning views of the Ionian coast and the volatile Mount Etna. If you are lucky, maybe your favorite band is in town. This theater despite its long history is still very much in use entertaining guests. This archeological site is just a 20 minute drive from the beach and a perfect place to watch the sun set. 


If you’re more in the mood for a wine tasting experience like the two happy couples, be sure to reserve your tasting at the Planeta Sciaranuova. This winery sits right on the base of Mount Etna. This winery boasts some of the best wine there is to find as the winery uses grapes grown in the rich volcanic soil. The White Lotus featured winery is just an hour drive from Taormina. So if you’re set on tasting all the wines be sure to book a driver!



I mean everyone says you have to go to Noto right? Hopefully you will be less reluctant to take the two hour drive to this picturesque stop. Daphne wasn’t lying when she said it is a beautiful Baroque town and perfect for a day trip (or an overnight). Head straight for the Piazza Municipio where you will find no shortage of opportunities to snap some gorgeous photos. This spot was featured in that creepy scene with Daphne and Harper trying to shop their way through Noto but then were interrupted by what seemed to be hundreds of staring men. For visitors, they won’t have this sort of trouble. Travelers may struggle with which landmark or shop to adventure to next. I would suggest walking Corso Vittorio Emanuele which is the main street of Noto. If travelers follow this road, they will be led to more landmarks in Noto as well as shops!



The last day trip on this travel guide brings you to another gorgeous beach town so be sure to pack your bathing suit and beach towel! Cefalú is two hours and thirty minutes from Taormina and is another great Sicilian town that provides both exploration and relaxation. Try the hike up to La Rocca which is said to be a challenge but offers some of the best views in Sicily. Visitors will be able to overlook the gorgeous coast line from the breezy peak. 


As you come back down from the mountain, head for the Cefalú beach which is the perfect ending to our White Lotus adventure. It’s at this beach where the shocking opening scene is filmed and where the season eventually comes to its gripping conclusion. 


Sicily really does offer something for everyone and travelers are destined to have a great adventure following this travel guide! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Which season did you find more entertaining? Would you rather visit the Maui White Lotus location or the Sicilian White Lotus location?


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